Libra Full Moon 3/31- The Release and The Reckoning

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The last New Moon in Pisces asked us to release something significant in our lives and thus make room for something else

Some of these endings were intentional- a need to consciously bring an end to a pattern, experience, or mindset. Many of these endings, however, were not consciously intentional at all, arising outside of our control and putting us squarely in an ocean of transition.

I have heard from all of you.

Those riding high on the wings of change, and those courageously surfing waves of profound grief.

And those in between.

This Full Moon in Libra asks us to honor all of it as we find our way back to a tenuous and perhaps delicate recalibration. The mud has been stirred, and now it is settling back down in new patterns and updated swirls.

This Full Moon in Libra opposes a Sun and a retrograde Mercury in Aries, highlighting the need to be of this world but not totally defined by it.

All of us learn the most through relationships after all. Our relationship to our work, money, physical body, children, spouses, earth, parents, cosmos and even, perhaps most importantly, our relationship to ourselves.

No doubt, the highest wisdom comes from looking deeply at our outer projections to better understand our inner truths. This is where all healing starts.

The letting go, and then the reclaiming.
The release, and then the reckoning.

Who are you now?

That is the question this Full Moon asks.

Some of you may know the answer with a sense of definite certainty as new demarcations of clarity infiltrate your being.

Others of you may still be treading water, integrating slowly but surely the truths that are arising.

And all of it is perfect.

This Full Moon we honor it all.

How our voice may crack,
and how it screams in triumph.
How our knees may still shake,
and how we stand firmly rooted in truth.
How the twisted fingers of panic grip us,
and how we settle into peace.
How our tears well up and fall,
and the way we rise in joy.

Because we are all connected in the humanness of all of it.

We become polarized when we disconnect from this truth.

The only way to heal polarization within or without is to find a sense of balance between the sides. In truth, we are more alike than we think. Libra reminds us of the all-encompassing validity of honor, decency, respect, fairness, and integrity we all share when not sidetracked by the distractions of egoic self-absorption.

Who are you now?

Birth and rebirth by technicality are notoriously noisy, messy, and primal, a kaleidoscope of conflict.

Yet, it is also the only way to grow.

Libra, the sign of universal scales, reminds us our relationships are meant to bring us back to center not away from it. We each have a vital part to play in the whole of everything.

So where ever you are on the journey BE there entirely.

Even if you are merely seeking the grace of breath in a challenging time or riding the radical energy of rebellion and revolution.

Celebrate the You that is unfolding wherever you are on the journey, and know you there is a tribe walking beside and with you doing the same.

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