History Repeated & the Pluto Return

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I have seen many memes making their way around social media of late describing the current astrology. June does bring six planets retrograde and two of the next three consecutive eclipses (typically, we only have two). Please note some of these planets are retrograde much of the time (Pluto and Neptune), so while intense, it isn’t that crazy. That said, the current pauses are going to continue. Nothing is going “back to normal”.
And it shouldn’t.
Other memes make generalized statements like “The last time ‘said planet’ was in ‘said sign’ this happened”. While there are threads of validity in these statements, and it is vital to look back to look forward, they are at best vague and at worst terrifying.
So, I want to shed a bit of light on the astro currents of late as they are merely reflections of the events we are living.
Saturn entered Aquarius 3/21/20. Saturn takes about 28 years to travel around the sun, spending about 2-ish years in each sign. The last time Saturn was in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius, there was conflict, which led to CHANGE. Apartheid was dismantled. Before that, Saturn was in Aquarius from 1962-1964-a time of significant civil rights unrest. This struggle eventually led to the signing of the Civil Rights Act, banning segregation and employment discrimination. Before that, Saturn was in Aquarius from 1932-1935 following the Great Depression leading to FDR’s New Deal, which brought updated infrastructure, economic vitality, and innovation.
Uranus entered Taurus 3/6/2019, where it will be until 2026. It takes about 84 years to circle the sun and spends about 7 years in each sign. The last time Uranus was in Taurus was from 1934-1941- the Great Depression and the brink of World War II. The tension was high, and supplies (Taurus is all about resources) were few. This time also led to, Social Security, helping people in need, and the formation of the New Deal.
So are we being asked to revisit these themes? Yes!
Are we doomed? No!
The struggle of change is real. We are IN it. Looking back to look forward though, we see the choice points of progress born out of challenging invitations.
Which leads us to Pluto and its return to its natal position at 27° Capricorn. This is likely the MOST significant precursors of the current upheaval. Why? Because the United States has never experienced a Pluto return. We are simply not old enough as a nation. Pluto takes about 248 years to go around the sun, spending approx. 21 years in each sign. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 (Remember the financial crash of that year?Yep. That’s Pluto style change). It has been there ever since, getting closer and closer to its exact position, occurring 2/20/2022. Though exact in 2022, like all transits of the outer planets, we live the lessons years prior. Right about now, actually. Welcome to 2020. Likewise, we have Jupiter and Saturn dancing with these points, giving us some early foreshadowing of the building energy. Not only that, but we also have Eris, the goddess of discord, squaring Pluto most of the year and into next.
What does that all mean?
Transformation. Serious uncovering of shadow truths we have ignored. Times of significant choice points and tension that will require we do things differently. Shadow and light. A hero’s journey is never comfortable, and often it is not something we choose. Yet, here we are on a collective shadow walk.
Where is it happening?
In the second house of the US chart. Resources. Money. The environment. Values. Revisiting themes like democracy, freedom, and the rights of “government” versus the states, the very principles of our nation itself. Authority. Power. Laws. Politics. Our version of capitalism. Capricorn represents the very structures and frameworks of society itself. All of this is coming into question, old pain bodies, and issues arising where we can assess just what brought us here and how it’s working. Or maybe isn’t at all.
Pluto times are intensely complex. What appears to be the solution will often be a road to a deeper layer. Pluto times will trigger us. Good. That’s the point, actually. It will reveal where the “work” is.
Remember, the stories of our past are arising, the shadows, spells, and pain bodies emerging, not to validate their validity but to offer us the oppurtunity to write a new one.

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