Gemini New Moon Solar Eclipse 6/10-The Love of Learning

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We are neck-deep into eclipse season, but I don’t need to tell you that. If you are alive, you are living it. The last Full Moon Lunar eclipse ignited the truth bombs and revelations of the time. Due to the south node nature of that illumination, they were likely Truths you don’t necessarily want to see—the hard but needed variety. Reality checks abound in both our inner and outer worlds (For more on the last lunation go to, Truth didn’t leave us. We left it).

Now we find ourselves on the other side of the cycle with the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini. This eclipse will be visible in Russia, Greenland, and northern Canada. Those in Northern Asia, Europe, and the Eastern United States could see a partial eclipse. For more on that checkout, The Great American Eclipse page  or time and

Eclipses always represent resets and reboots to whatever archetype they represent. This is a North Node eclipse, where the emphasis is on the remedy, the guiding light forward. There is some lightness with this placement. A needed medicine. Adding to the mercurial flavor, retrograde Mercury dances with the Sun and Moon, demanding extra attention and reviewing past patterns. Reassessment. Renewal.

Gemini and Mercury both represent the machinations of the mind. Communication, perception, facts, and data all come to light during these times, offering a fresh perspective. These air forces represent the part of us that can be a curious reporter. The ability to observe with as little bias as possible and listen to understand, not be right. It symbolizes the part of us that asks hard questions which require contemplation, research, critical thinking, and honest discord to answer.

There is a reason Mercury goes retrograde a few times a year. We are reminded of the need to pause and LISTEN a little more before speaking. To respond, not simply react. It is a time to challenge our beliefs and take note of our communication, inner and outer.

Because words carry tremendous power and with that power, responsibility.

One thing I think is abundantly clear. Communication is not always natural. It is a learned skill. Doing it well requires humble assessment and an ever-expanding potential to update our beliefs and evolve our current thinking. Closemindedness, stasis, dogma, and disinformation create a reactivity that is the kryptonite to healthy dialog. Though this is especially evident in the external tribal polarity trends we are experiencing, it is not solely an external problem. We can easily fall prey to unexamined mind chatter that is just as polar, dogmatic, and inaccurate. We are creatures of habit, after all.

Habits may be familiar, but nothing grows there.

If Gemini reminds us of one thing, it is the ever-present potential and requirement of growth, which isn’t always comfortable.

Cultures and traditions, inner and outer, are inherently conservative. They tend to reject, even violently resist, new ideas. Just ask the early astronomers, scientists, inventors, and prophets. Heresy is dangerous to the status quo of habit and familiarity and likewise necessary for any innovation.

What if what you think you know is wrong?

How utterly freeing or terrifying, depending on your personal relationship with change.

Neptune in Pisces squares this Moon, adding more credence to this cycle. There is likely something that needs to be released so something more right can take its place. A relationship? A job? A mindset? A habit? A belief system? A fact? Some perhaps familiar, but now no longer serving attachment is asking for (well, demanding) surrender.

This square also highlights another important message for this time. Gemini is an inherently open mind, which is a beautiful thing. Pisces and Neptune remind us of the very real truth we are all interconnected. There is no escaping that. As difficult as it is, we are all in a worldly marriage of sorts, dysfunction and all. We are going to have to find a way to get along, cooperate, and evolve together.

This idea, of course, doesn’t just apply to our outer world but our inner world as well. There is no divorcing the committee that has residence in your head. Better learn how to get along there too. This doesn’t mean acquiescing to the disinformation but challenging it with new data to decipher what is most accurate.

What is required are the Gemini traits of healthy discord, siphoning facts from fiction, and the ability to choose wisely. It is about focusing on intention and understanding. Externally and internally, it is relying on information from credible sources and purposes.

Which part of you is in charge? Is it the one that has your best interest in mind, or does it have a vested interest in some safety, security, habit, or other inaccurate fear-based motives?

Let me be clear, as I think this point is overplayed. Fear itself is not the problem. No feeling ever is. It is the level of accuracy or inaccuracy of the current situation that determines the functionality. Clear fear is a lifesaver. So often, though, our fear trigger gets set on high alert and then stays there, keeping us “safe” by keeping us stuck. This kind of fear breeds reaction, division, polarity, and blame. This kind of fear is how conspiracy, massive disinformation, and denial are even possible in both our outer or inner minds. Nothing healthy can grow there.

Gemini reminds us we cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it (paraphrasing Einstein). We also cannot do the same thing and expect different results (Einstein again). Change requires we DO something fundamentally different. We challenge an old thought or behavior. We allow our vision to expand.

Because every choice we make determines our destination. Simple, but definitely not easy.

So, pay attention. Get curious. Ask more questions. Start a conversation. Look at another side. Listen to understand. Debate facts, not fiction. Challenge what you think you know. Open the door to a new way of seeing things.

Maybe you will learn something along the way.

“Human evolution is essentially the progression of information gathering (knowledge) and consciousness, or the advancement in wisdom. A wise person is willing to learn at all stages of life by using their cognitive abilities open-mindedly to examine contradictory beliefs, and rationally meld various schools of thought into a living philosophy, developing over time a logical and systematic method to maintain and evaluate oneself in order to assist a person not merely to survive but thrive.”
― Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Want to know what this time is revealing in you? Contact me, for more information.

**Photo by Frank Eiffert on Unsplash

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