Gemini New Moon— June 13- Be impeccable with your word.

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“Be impeccable with your word” 

This is the “first agreement” in the classic book The Four Agreements, by Don Miguel Ruiz. He also states it is the “first, the most important, and most difficult of the agreements”.


Because it is through our words, we co-create our reality.

This New Moon in Gemini reminds us of the immense power our words hold and asks us to take a closer look at what we are really saying.

In Hawaiian “Ha” means “to breathe life into”. Breath is necessary for life. In the Hawaiian culture (as well as many indigenous cultures) it is believed that the breath holds Mana (power) and it is sacred. So sacred in fact that mouth to mouth kissing was forbidden (kapu) except when someone was dying. Then there was an exchange of breath that passed the Mana to another.

Breath is intention meeting potential and animation meeting possibility.

Think of chanting.
Think of prayer.
Think of mantra.

We spell cast every minute of every day. Some of it is conscious, yet most of it is underground and elusive, running backtracks of incantations on a continuous loop. Our words matter. Whether we say them to another or we tell them to ourselves. And often our inner chatter is not very kind. (For more on that listen to The Inner Critic Podcast).

What words are you speaking?
Because each one is a prayer of intention.

The word impeccable means without (im) sin ( pecatus). “Sin” is a charged word with roots in shame and punishment, but it simply means to “miss the mark”. So, being impeccable with our word means to be in total alignment with our present truth (and not the habits, stories, spells, and trances from our past).

And that’s hard because the automatic pilot is strong in us.

It means letting go of the dialog of shame, blame, punishment, gossip, and persecution.
It means saying yes when our habit answers no.
It means saying no when fear tells us to acquiesce.
It means allowing ourselves to change our minds at any time.
It means speaking up even when it’s hard.
It means standing down at times you most want to lash out.
It means risking rejection to honor authenticity.
It means disengaging the old stories and habits and genuinely living the change.
It means aligning with the truth.

Imagine linking that energy with the power of creation.

“Being impeccable with your word means not using the word against yourself.”
~Don Miguel Ruiz

We will never solve our worldly lack of compassion until we learn how to hold compassion for ourselves. We will never find kindness in our external world until we learn how to be kind to ourselves. We will never see the truth outside of us unless we strip away our denial and lovingly honor the whole of who we are. It is not at all about being perfect. That doesn’t exist anyway. It is just about BEing. And every day striving to BE even more loving- starting with yourself. (Want to know more how to REALLY love yourself? Go here.)

So this New Moon in Gemini commit to developing awareness and shifting the old stories and programs and replacing them with impeccability.

‘A mana (amen in Hawaiian meaning…)

“Let the words fly free”

Interested in learning astrology? The Basics of Integrated Astrology online class started last week and there is still time to enroll. For information or to register contact me.

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