Gemini Full Moon 11/27/23-Open Mind, Open Heart

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At our best, we humans are tenacious problem solvers. But, equally true, we are also expert problem makers. It just depends on which foot we are standing and which part is leading the charge. No doubt, the last few years have revealed both options with stark and often disturbing clarity. 

And there are still revelations and reality checks discharging around us. Mars and Ceres oppose this Full Moon, tugging at our heartstrings. Mercury in Sagittarius also hits the set-up phase of its retrograde cycle a few days before this Full Moon. Additionally, Saturn in Pisces squares this Full Moon. Thus, the “information” arising will continue to be of the real variety. The stuff that may not be easy but is necessary. Expect technical truths to emerge. Brick walls. Triggers. Forced stops and redirections. Saturn keeps it real, after all. 

The intention, of course, is clarity on what needs improvement. 

Information is the only way to find solutions. Gemini is the sign of information, facts, data, and all the logical actualities. With Mercury in its set-up phase, we are meant to listen more than pontificate, pause rather than force forward, and reflect rather than disregard. Because Gemini and Mercury both represent the machinations of the mind, new information can come to light during these times offering the choice of a fresh perspective. But only if we are brave enough to see it. 

Brave because Gemini challenges what we think we know. Those truths, beliefs, perspectives, opinions, and interpretations we believe we are sure about. 

What if we aren’t so right after all? 

This names the hope and challenge of this time. Hope because when we commit to seeing things from a new perspective we welcome understanding, growth, and ultimately new solutions for positive change. Challenge because we tend to like the comfort of our knowing and don’t often instinctively question our own conclusions. We like people, groups, religions, and science that agree with us. We like stories that agree with ours.

And agreement is lovely, necessary even. Community needs to agree on common parameters. There are times for that.

This time isn’t one of them.

In fact, the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “a revolutionary magazine asking for action.” A poignant and apt metaphor for this time. 

 This symbol speaks to the idea of communicating innovative and progressive ideas that call for change or action. It represents a desire to challenge the status quo and stir up new perspectives or movements. It also speaks to the inherent responsibility in information because it determines our actions. How we think creates our world. Every once in a while, we should challenge the status quo lest we believe and then act on outdated, incorrect, or inaccurate information. Perhaps, it’s helpful to wipe the glasses of perception to widen our view.

Welcome to Gemini. This love of learning, question-asking, and fact-seeking is the light of that Gemini part of us. Gemini welcomes healthy dissent as an opportunity to learn rather than confusing it with disobedience. Gemini favors the possibility of discovery over the comfort of outdated loyalty. 

Inner and outer, high Gemini welcomes the growth that comes with intellectual humility. After all, critical thinking is not just about solely critiquing the thinking of another but your own, too.

We are being called to reassess how we communicate, perceive, and share information in our current time. Inner and outer, those things matter. And to do any of this well, we must get out of our mind for a minute or ten. Because real critical thinking starts with caring enough about the truth to risk being wrong.

So, at this Full Moon, let us welcome dissent and heresy in all our systems. That dissent may be an inner truth rebellion against a critical part. Maybe it is a call for an internal revolt against anything not grounded in self-compassion, curiosity, and acceptance. Maybe it is time to challenge ourselves around a viewpoint or perspective we hold and see it from a different perspective. Let us ask more questions. Let us listen more to understand. Let us know our own bias and have the discipline to silence reaction. Let us remember everyone has a story. Let us remember to keep our minds and hearts open so we can actually hear it.  

“Sit down before fact with an open mind. Be prepared to give up every preconceived notion. Follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads or you learn nothing. Don’t push out figures when facts are going in the opposite direction.”
Hyman G. Rickover

~This Full Moon occurs at 4° Gemini.

~If you could use some help figuring out what the current astrology means for you, or would like some coaching around the concepts mentioned, Contact Me. 

~Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

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