Capricorn Solar Eclipse–1/5-6–Soul Work 2019

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There is a wise saying in recovery circles that goes, “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always got”.

Meaning …to change anything we have to change something.

New Years are about change. Both figuratively and literally, they represent the bridge between the old and the new. One of the gifts of astrology is its ability to help us understand just what flavor of change is arising. For example, Pisces change asks us to flow with the current while Aries change requires initiating action.

Important distinctions.

This current change resides in Capricorn with the two master teachers Pluto and Saturn adding their two cents to the mix.

Additionally, this is a New Moon Solar Eclipse. Eclipses are resets to the system. They are akin to restarting your computer to magically fix a glitch. Eclipses always involve the nodes of the Moon, which are the karmic compass points guiding us forward. This adds to their importance. This New Moon Solar Eclipse and the proceeding Super Full Moon Lunar eclipse January 21st, help set the stage for the energy all year long.

In other words, the soul work dictated now will continue throughout the year. This is your current curriculum in this Earth school.

One thing for sure, Capricorn keeps it real. It represents structures, laws, integrity, and realistic life demands. Capricorn is the taskmaster, goal setter, grit maker, and disciplinarian of the zodiac. Capricorn decisions and actions are not the kinds that make you necessarily “feel better” instantly. They are not “easy” as they require some sacred discipline, patience, discernment, and routine. But they also offer significant payoff and reward.

Saturn, at home in Capricorn, echoes these same themes. Saturn times ask us to grow up and align with our highest principles. Saturn is like the inner parent that catches us sneaking back into the house in the middle of the night. At some point, our reality catches up with us, and there is no denying it.

Pluto, on the other hand, is our inner magician highlighting our sense of empowerment. This is often done by revealing exactly where we habitually leak energy, however, giving Pluto the title of shadow excavator. Of course, the intention is to expose the blocks and leaks so we can reclaim these lost parts of the self. The more whole we are, the more power we wield.

If Saturn is our inner parent, Pluto is our inner phycologist/ shaman. If Saturn keeps it real, Pluto keeps it deep. If Saturn focuses on effect, Pluto focuses on cause.

To that end, Capricorn loves a good goal, an endgame, something to thrive for. Perfect energy as we set our intentions for the New Year. Pluto’s placement, however, reminds us of the essential need to balance soul goals and ego ones. To ascertain the difference focus not on the external, but the internal. Intend to focus on the blocks not the perceived remedy, the feeling, not the “thing”. Decide to be an instrument of spirit and not the director. (Ego Vs Soul Goals)

The truth is your soul is offering you the shortest and most efficient way to your purpose. Do not bypass what is showing up in your life by simply affirming another path. Instead, ask why it is showing up.

The good news is tremendous healing, transformation, and conscious co-creation is possible, but we might have to sweat a little to make it happen. You can expect a reset opportunity where this New Moon shows up in your chart (15° Capricorn). House placement and aspects are extra vital to finding just what personal reality checks you are being asked to cash, and the soul work you are being asked to do. The intent of understanding how and where the energy is showing up for you is for you to do the work consciously, so it doesn’t unconsciously work on you. Feel free to contact me if you want to dive a bit deeper into your own personal chart.

If this New Moon is in the:

1st House– ReClaiming the power of sovereignty by facing the fear of rejection.

2nd House– ReClaiming the power of genuine worth and abundance by facing the fear of lack. (aka money stuff)

3rd House- ReClaiming the power of your voice by facing the fear of judgment.

4th House-ReClaiming the power of “home” (aka feeling safe in the world and your own skin) by facing the fear of abandonment.

5th House- ReClaiming the power of joy, inspiration, and passion by facing the vulnerability caused by expanding the upper limit threshold. (aka Joy work)

6th House– ReClaiming the power of service, the way you offer your energy in the world (aka health) by facing the fear of perfection.

7th House– ReClaiming the power of interdependence by facing the fear of conflict and projection.

8th House– ReClaiming the power of real intimacy and trust by facing the fear of uncertainty.

9th House -ReClaiming the power of faith by facing the fear of doubt.

10th House– ReClaiming the power of authority by facing the fear of failure.

11th House- ReClaiming the power of authenticity by facing the fear of exclusion.

12th House– ReClaiming the power of connection with spirit by facing the fear of disillusionment.

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