Aries New Moon 3/31-4/1 2022-The soul of freedom

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Moon patterns always add harmony to the more significant cycles at play. They are notes of nuance, details of diction. This New Moon in Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the first Moon cycle after the Spring equinox reminding us of new beginnings and starts. The chance to initiate and choose a new way is ripened and possible. But, of course, beginnings always correspond with endings. We can’t have one without the other. So stay ready for those too.  

This Moon also highlights a critical larger cycle. Jupiter and Neptune are conjunct in the sign of Pisces on the 12th of the month. This conjunction happens every 166 years in Pisces. Astrology doesn’t offer an outcome as much as it reveals potential. It charts the choice points, power pivots, and optimum paths forward. It also notes the pitfalls and challenges. As always, it helps to have a map when walking rugged terrain. The final choice of which direction we walk is entirely up to us.

The Jupiter and Neptune conjunction is an essential one full of promise and empowered destiny. Jupiter expands whatever it touches, thus highlighting the most miraculous qualities rooted in the highest spiritual truths. This powerfully divine placement asks us to look at what is beyond our personal selves to wallow in the deep waters of collective integrity. Pisces weather systems represent the mystical parts of life. Things like our very reason for being and our most holy purpose. It ignites forces of compassion, service, empathy, hope, and faith, setting us to sail waters of uncertainty. This is why Pisces is the symbol most associated with intuition, signs, and synchronicity- because we cannot venture into the unknown with our logical minds. We are meant to adopt soul eyes to pierce any illusion and find answers in our collective hearts. 

Of course, Jupiter doesn’t just expand the possibility of our highest selves. It can also emphasize our lowest. The choice is ours, of course. When egos become spiritual and separate, we bypass reality via denial, conspirituality, victim consciousness, toxic positivity, addictions, and convenient illusions. The mystic can influence or control becoming the inspired mentor or cult leader, or gradients in between. It is how we channel that creative force that makes all the difference. Historically, horrible and destructive atrocities were committed in the name of spiritual “truth”. They still are. Because truth is less about what you believe and more about who you become when you believe it. 

This New Moon edges us closer to that powerful choice point by asking us to look squarely in the mirror. Chiron stands with this New Moon reminding us massive healing is both required and possible. Physically, emotionally, spiritually- what does healing really look like? All healing must begin with radical accountability. It means we must get really real. A particular focus of this New Moon is a request to look deeply at our relationship with anger (an Aries quality). There is nothing inherently wrong with anger, of course. The functionality of the force is determined by the intention and filter through which it travels. No doubt, we will and are seeing all shades of this force, the destructive and the creative. Be on the lookout for passive-aggressive tendencies (including sarcasm, complaining, belittling, name-calling, blaming, etc.) and outright aggression (physical violence, shouting, swearing, threats, etc.). Whether we throw our anger outward or keep it inside to smolder, neither are functional forms of this force. Creative and empowering anger rests in clear assertion and healthy bounadries. Fighting the good fight is important. But, we best make sure it is the best of ourselves in charge of our choices. 

We are being called to take a stand, and astrology does offer the side most worth taking. Mars squares the Nodes a few days after this New Moon echoing the Taurus remedy so needed right now. Fighting for peace comes to mind. As does redefining the force of freedom through a much more collective prism. 

The Sabien symbol for this New Moon is “a triangularly shaped flight of wild geese .” Wild and free geese soar independently but not alone, reminding us true freedom is not a selfish thing. It was never meant to be. Though we each have an innate desire to express our individuality, we must remember we cannot be uniquely amazing if it steps on the beauty of another. We are all in this together. 

Yet freedom is often defined by the beholder, which can be a biased filter.

Freedom is only truly free when it works within the personal and collective balance. Acceptance and innovation. Collaboration and expression. Words like assertion, leadership, sacrifice, surrender, and discipline come into play here. Those words were never meant to limit us but to create sacred boundaries to better facilitate authentic expression.

Freedom is like electricity. It is dangerous when ungrounded and without healthy channels. Thus true freedom is not devoid of boundaries, consequences, or responsibility. In fact, it welcomes them. True freedom focuses on listening to understand, not be right. It understands the complexity of information and is eager to call itself into question. It isn’t riotous but righteous. It takes us to the core of technical truth, which often contradicts our convenient ones. Because real freedom is not about what we can get, it is about what we can give. 

So before you speak. Before you choose. Before you discern or decide. Before you commit. Before you act. Before you post, comment, vote, or intend, ask yourself if the best of you is showing up.

“Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.”

~Albert Camus

Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

This New Moon 11° Aries

Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash

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