Aries Full Moon 10/13 — Doing Hard Things

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Change without some level of discomfort is impossible. After all, by definition, change means moving from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Change always brings some turbulence to the system. Some disorganization.

Some change is desired, invited, and looked forward to.
A marriage.
A graduation.
A new baby.

Even ‘positive’ change will still rock your world though, as the shift settles into a new normal.

Sometimes change can be of the less wanted variety.
A job loss.
A relationship ending.
A difficult diagnosis.

Sometimes we choose change. Other times it chooses us. Either way, change requires some quaking of the status quo.

As we embrace this Aries Full Moon, we are reminded of the gift of change and the subsequent waves of beginnings, endings, and uncertainty it brings. We are reminded of the courage it takes to quest a new path forward and leap straight into the gap.

Courage doesn’t imply we will not be afraid. Far from it. Courage is the ability to feel the fear of expansion and do it anyway. We simply do it scared.
Until we aren’t anymore.
Then we can find a new edge.

Aries times often challenge us to do hard things, which, as we have explored, also ignite some powerful potential and opportunities.

We have another guest at this Full Moon party though adding some gritty intensity. God of the underworld himself Pluto shows up squaring (exactly) this Moon.

In many ways, this Full Moon is the celebration of doing hard things.

There’s a lot of that going around.

Perhaps, it is also about celebrating all the hard things we have courageously faced change in our lives, wanted or not. We also have Jupiter trining this Full Moon sprinkling some hope and celebration.

So take the time to consciously look at all the challenges you have conquered. All the lessons you have learned. All the ways you have sung the song of change even when your voice trembled and knees shook.

The goddess. The warrior. Fierce and resilient, you have survived. You have even thrived. Take a moment to honor how far you have come.

And if you are in a place of change today. If you are doing the hard things right now.
In turbulent waters.
Fighting the good fight.
Remind yourself you have this fighting force within you. This fire of courage that can trace the edges of your fear and lead you over the precipice into uncharted lands.

And if you are ready for more. If you feel that rising and you know the choice ahead. If you are being summoned and you hear the call. Then set forth with the conviction to do the next bold thing required. Walk toward your fear. Let it lead you.

What you will discover is the more you set forth on the quest. The more you untether the shackles of your fear, the more often you dispel the myths and spells it holds, the more freedom you will find.

“Don’t be afraid of your fears. They’re not there to scare you. They’re there to let you know that something is worth it.”
C. JoyBell C

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