Aquarius New Moon 1/31-2/1-Barometers of change

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I suspect that life has recently offered you some technical truth detonations. Some things you can’t unsee. Technical truths are the kind of truths that get our attention, rousing us from any dormancy. Thus, they are often not of the “easy” variety. The good news is anything arising is offering massive potential. The challenging news is it will require some change, some old and new colliding, which is hard. Because where we are standing may not be optimal, yet parts of us would choose familiarity over the uncertainty of bucking the status quo any day.

Spoiler alert- that’s not going to work anymore. Technical truth is going to meet us one way or another.

Before I go too much further, let me clarify the specific type of truth we are marinating in because it is easy to misconstrue. We are not navigating personal truth, which is based on your family of origin, history, ideas, and opinions based on your personal history. That kind of truth is essential, of course, but it only allows a view of facts from the files of our personal experience. We are also not navigating the terrain of relative truth, which is the truth from where you are currently standing. While at times helpful, anecdotes and correlation do not result in the technicality of causation. We are also not in the terrain of moral or religious truth, which is steeped in doctrine and adopted values. Again, there is a time for that type of truth, but this time is not it. Instead, we are living big T technical truth. The kind that does not have “another “side.

It just is.

The Sabian symbol for the degree of this New Moon is “A Barometer”. For sure, there is no “other siding” the atmospheric pressure. It is a natural measurement of what is. There is also nothing punitive about it. No one is being punished when the pressure drops. We are given the facts and data, so we know what to expect and can prepare. Technical truth allows us to recognize all we are facing to plan accordingly.

This New Moon echoes the Aquarian waves, so evident in our current time. We are working with technical forces here. Cause and effect. Science. Karma. All the heavenly heavy hitters are highlighted, especially as Saturn conjuncts the Sun and Moon and Uranus squares it reminding us technicality is not subtle. This often shows up as the sharp bite of consequences, which are not always fun but definitely get our attention.

That is what this kind of truth is all about. It is a wake-up call to innovate. To grow. To do things a better way. It is about offering new facts and then making new choices. The line in the sand is drawn so you can choose a new path.

Done well, and we find ourselves altering our vision based on new data and adopting the newly expanded options. We choose accountability, humility, and the gratitude of new possibilities. This is the birthplace and promise of real freedom.

Done less well, and we meet resistance. What happens when we ignore barometers? When we attempt to deny a storm? At best, we get wet. At worst, it can be life-threatening. Consequences have a way of getting our attention, reminding us to course correct. They tend to repeat over and over regardless of any denial or spin. Then our shadow righteousness often gets in the way of real freedom.

So at this New Moon, technically read the barometers in your life. Maybe the pressure is on your relationship, occupation, mission, or health. Expect to experience situations that challenge some vision, habit, or thought process that a part of you has significantly become attached. The intent, of course, is to present and push you towards a better way. The challenge is we often instinctively resist uncertainty choosing instead to stand in what we know, regardless of its functionality. This is the choice point we are all currently living, and there is no denying, spinning, or bypassing what is.

The harder we try to ignore reality, the more the pressure builds. The barometers are offering us a read.

And no doubt. It is heavy right now. Thick. Dense. A low pressure of consequence is building between innovation/growth and tradition/status quo. Two air masses colliding. The tension is palpable in our inner and outer worlds. You may feel this on all levels- spiritually, emotionally, psychologically, or physically. Find ways to lighten if you can. It is best to take it step-by-step, and one day at a time, otherwise the overwhelm can be profound. Pay attention to the tension and welcome the truths even if they are difficult. Get curious. The air itself is full of wisdom.

Like all storms, this one will pass. We will feel the tension ebb a bit as we enter spring. In the meantime, remember this is exactly what change feels like. Use it accordingly.

“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
James Baldwin

Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

This New Moon occurs at 12° Aquarius.

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