Aquarius Full Moon 8/11-12/22-Summoning the love rebel

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On March 23, 2023, Pluto will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius for the first time since the 18th century (1778–1798, to be exact). Pluto is a generational force that stays between 15 and 30 years in each sign. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, offering (forcing?) the current reckoning of our foundations and ideologies. So why am I mentioning it now, as we have eight months to go until that fateful day?

Because any significant Aquarium theme reveals a precursor of potential. Looking back to look forward, we get a flavor of what is possible and what pitfalls could occur. Aquarius is represented by the “water bearer,” literally bringing new life to parched throats. This is why it symbolizes science, technology, innovation, authenticity, and rebelliousness. New ideas and innovations are the lifeblood to the stasis of the status quo. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius, we saw some shades of this. Many amazing discoveries happened in science and technology. In America, the Revolutionary War was fought. The constitution was ratified. Hawaii was ‘discovered’ by Captain Cook. The Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment, along with the French revolution, occurred.

Now revolutions can be liberating and endearing. Some might argue necessary. What can give water, though, can also flood. Aquarius is dysfunctional when it begins to believe any means justifies a chosen end. Righteousness becomes riotous and violent when it denies the liberty of another. Tribes and groups become deadly when they become toxically dogmatic and self-serving in their beliefs. Ideology becomes dangerous when it stops questioning itself.

Though some revolution is predicted, the nature of it depends solely on our choices and how we decide to channel that force. 

This Full Moon in Aquarius asks us to look at this force in our lives because we will need to call upon it soon. And we best make sure we have it right. No doubt we currently have some opportunities to practice.

Saturn (the old ruler of Aquarius) is conjunct this Moon, calling us to task. There is also a grand cross present between the Mars, North Node, and Uranus conjunction, the Leo Sun, and the South Node in Scorpio.

Some tips to navigate what is arising?

Think like a scientist. This means observe and be curious. Remember, opinions and assumptions are not the same as facts, even when we really want them to be. Science defines an opinion as a hypothesis, which must be proven through a rigorous scientific process and replicated. Aquarius reminds us that rationality and reason are their own forms of intuition. So, dare to disagree with your own arguments and assumptions. Question. Allow new information in. Be responsive, not reactive.

Get technical. Reality is what is in front of us. What is. Which may not be what we want it to be. Look for the reality checks, consequences, and truth bombs in your life. Any repeated patterns, forced stops, and fated redirections will be especially important. What could be better? What have you been avoiding? Those are the questions we are being asked to live. 

Be uncertain. We tend to stay wedded to our ideologies because it takes effort to challenge them (requiring actual research), it threatens our identity to let go of embedded assumptions (cognitive dissonance is a real thing), and it makes the world unpredictable and more complicated (which can be scary to parts of us). Uncertainty, though, IS reality. Life IS complex. Allowing that fact creates space for the growth, change and evolution required. There is no changing in your comfort zone.  

Don’t fall into the ‘do your own research’ trap. You are not meant to know everything about everything. It is impossible. You likely are an expert on two, maybe three things. Social media has confused this point for us giving expert status to non-experts. Thus, while you can’t be an expert on everything, you can get skilled at discerning who the real experts are. For more on that discernment, check out this Forbes article that describes how to spot a real expert- or not. Because research is not google or YouTube videos. It is too easy to allow confirmation or disability bias, and algorithms do the leading. Actual research is rather tedious, taking time, study, and systematic experimentation and research via multiple academic sources. Additionally, actual research is the commitment to evolving our beliefs, not affirming them.

Be humble. The word humble has its Latin roots “from the Earth.” Humility is not selling ourselves short but being honest about who we are- flaws and skills. Humility keeps us from letting our confidence quiet any questioning. It keeps us rethinking.* In the words of blogger Tim Urban, “arrogance is ignorance plus conviction. While humility is a permeable filter that absorbs life experience and converts it into knowledge and wisdom, arrogance is a rubber shield that life experience simply bounces off.”

Have faith. Aquarius reminds us that the current possible was once considered impossible. It reminds us to hold fast to the knowledge that there is more to the story we are living. More chances of redemption. More opportunities to show up better. More innovations are on the horizon. More choice points of opportunity.

It fits the Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A large white Dove delivering a message.” Peace is possible and the potential, IF we can honor the reality of the shifts we are experiencing. Because diversity is meant to grow us, not divide us. Tribes do best when they cooperate, not when they fight for sides. Revolutions, inner and outer, may be required, but they need not be violent.

Aquarius summons the love rebels. The ones that make good trouble by standing for accurate definitions of honor, integrity, and equality -not selfish ones. This is why Aquarius is so concentrated on technical truth and inspired vision. Because conspiracies don’t just happen on the outside. Our habitual mind is full of unchecked and outdated spells of collusion. In some way, your life is calling you to seek what is beyond those same horizons and up-level in a significant way.

It is your job to take the first step.

“If you wanna rebel, rebel out of responsibility, not recklessness

– rebel out of accountability, not impulse.”

~Abhijit Naskar, The Gentalist: There’s No Social Work, Only Family Work

~This Full Moon occurs @ 19° Aquarius.

~Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

~Photo by Denise Johnson on Unsplash

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