Truth Bombs….Gemini Full Moon 12/3

Astrology is a language rich and deep with intricate symbolism where each part adds to the overall meaning. Complex as it can seem though, there are often a few prevailing themes that emerge no matter how deep you read into a chart. This year has been no exception to that rule. This has been a year of stirring up our world, both inner and outer, and releasing what is no longer working. It has been a year of illuminating our darkness so we can transform it in the light of truth. It has been unpredictable, inspiring, edgy, anxious, empowering, and at times exhausting. Truth, by definition, is forged in the fire of the universal heart, vulnerable and grounded in our own skin.

As we end the year, this theme continues with the Super Full Moon in Gemini coinciding with the start of the Mercury Retrograde cycle in Sagittarius. (For more info check out embracing mercury retrogrades). Adding to that is Neptune in Pisces squaring the Full Moon.


what we stand for

how we define ourselves

how we act when no one else is looking

rises to meet us.

Truth, like all things, can be sourced in ego often in the form of convenient or self-centered truths. Sometimes truth is cloaked in unconscious denial or even fear. These truths cannot stand up when measured against the intuitive heart. The revelation and excavation of these shadow truths have likely been your “work” this last year. Mine too. Things are being uncovered. Truth bombs blasting our reality.

Grounded truth is rooted in our intuition, not our fear. It is rooted in our soul, not our ego.

What truths have emerged to meet you this year?

What hold you back from living your truth?

What must you release, face, or undo to live in alignment with your truth?

Where do you invalidate your truth with logic?

This kind of work may feel foggy and confusing at times because it is the dance between what is seen and unseen. Intuition by definition often makes no logical sense. This is where we must activate another part of our mind, as rich and lively with vital data as our rational mind for answers.

In my own leap of intuitive faith, I am ending the year moving after living in the same house for the last ten years. So far, it has been logistically easy, even though it is happening faster than my mind can make sense of it, proving the natural flow that emerges when we trust our own truth. However, the change is not without shadow. Feelings surface from deep within challenging my worthiness, sense of safety and control. The process of questioning everything I own by literally holding it in my hands and ascertaining if it is alignment with who I am now, has been both exhausting and poignant. Recognizing who I was ten years ago is not who I am today. Just like that, our truths change over time as we learn, grow and evolve.

What outdated truths are you still aligning with?

Which ones need release?

What new truths want expression?

Memories pour in and time becomes a loud reminder. This is where my children were raised and where my youngest was born. This is where I have had some of my darkest moments and where I have had countless amazing ones. Moments etched with gratitude I will take with me.

Every nook and cranny known and loved.

It is human to attach to things we love.

Yet, there are times when attachment becomes stagnation, and we hear a deep knowing that whispers,“It is time”.

There are no beginnings without endings.

I do not know where this move will take me, or if it will even happen as I ride the chaotic waves of real estate negotiation. That is not really the point. What I know is I am meant to be precisely here, learning whatever this is teaching me and not attaching to a perceived outcome.

And so are you.

What knowing is rising within you?

What is it time for?

Often, to hear it we must find a way to quiet the mind. Walk, meditate, sit under a tree, go for a drive- whatever it takes to find a way to hear that small voice inside you. Cast your cards, get an astrology reading, listen to your dreams, practice ceremony, go to church, or look for signs. Intuition speaks a subtle symbolic language after all. It is the language of the soul.

So dive in. Be curious. Revel in the massive discovery that is




and truthfully YOU.

“I have been finding treasures in places I did not want to search. I have been hearing wisdom from tongues I did not want to listen. I have been finding beauty where I did not want to look. And I have learned so much from journeys I did not want to take. Forgive me, O Gracious One; for I have been closing my ears and eyes for too long. I have learned that miracles are only called miracles because they are often witnessed by only those who can can see through all of life’s illusions. I am ready to see what really exists on other side, what exists behind the blinds, and taste all the ugly fruit instead of all that looks right, plump and ripe.
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

1 thought on “Truth Bombs….Gemini Full Moon 12/3”

  1. Pingback: New Moon in Sagittarius 12/17-18-With Knowledge comes Responsibility. | Aleka Thorvalson

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