New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius 2/15–Speaking your Truth

Speaking our truth is a favorite metaphysical buzz phrase that holds a ton of validity, yet has ambiguous, sometimes misguided, procedures of implementation.

To speak our truth, we have to first know our truth. This could be especially elusive if we were raised in a family heavily saturated with borrowed ones. Aquarius is a sign that understands the consensus exists merely as a set of options, not as a rulebook to follow. It understands that many social morays and “acceptable” ways of being are only possibilities among a spectrum of choices. Aquarius understands the masks we wear, and the boxes we find ourselves in, are necessary to the status quo, but entirely impractical for change.

Nothing new happens in the boxes. That’s why they are so safe. And so very popular.

Yet, Aquarius is the rebel, the visionary and the genius that dares to step outside of the box entirely.

If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine, it is lethal.

~Paul Coelho

New Moons are about beginnings, and eclipses bring a reset to the system. This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius is joined by Mercury, the force of communication (both inner and outer), perception, and curiosity in our lives. Where and how this reset is happening in your life depends on your personal chart (contact me for a reading), but you can bet it is a call to speak your truth in a significant avenue of life. It is not just about living it, but living it out loud.

Who are you (before others decided it for you)?
What does your voice sound like (before it was edited out of necessity)?

Speaking our truth means hearing it within us and then having the courage to express it. It is the ability to communicate from a grounded sense of self. It is a request, a need,  an idea, belief, or way of being.

It is also the ability to let go of another person’s need to like it.

Because they probably won’t.

Speaking our truth often means changing the story of a particular reality, yours or theirs. It means challenging the unconscious power dynamic and psychic agreement we may have set up before we knew better. It means igniting the work of our soul contract to release our wounded selves from uttering incantations passed down to us.

Truth talking is juicy, messy, epically raw, and wholly terrifying.

It is also immensely freeing.

Yet, truth is sometimes elusive and can be cloaked in something else.

Ego can take any force and bend it to its will. In fact, it loves nothing more than to appear spiritual, righteous, and wise. When a truth is sourced from the outside in, we bypass accountability and fall into fear-based control. “Speaking our truth” in this way is reactive and often looks like blame, shame, projection, aggression (both passive and overt), convincing, and venting from our most wounded parts.
Ego confuses our truth with THE truth. It becomes dogmatic, denying, and dismissing. It becomes so polarizing there is nowhere to grow. Truth mixed with fear becomes convenient. It is amazing what we can justify in these moments.

Aquarius asks us to step back and observe what we define as truth.
Your truth is your truth, but it may not be THE truth.

There is a difference.
How can we tell?

By the way it feels.

Truth centered in the heart rather than external expectation is one way. A truth that is personally accountable, compassionate, open, and understanding is another. Truth sourced in Love is truly willing to ponder, evaluate, assess and grow. It doesn’t imply passivity either. Far from it. Authentic truth is often fierce, even fiery, teetering on the edge of excitement and challenge, inspiration and trepidation.

It is a lot less hustle and a lot more flow.

Check that truth:
If your truth is a reactive emotional response, check that truth. This is not denying the validity of your feelings but to remind you not confuse the past with the present.

If there are no facts that support that truth, check that truth. This is inner critic work at its finest. It is also the root of denial and cognitive dissonance.

If there is not an opening to learn or grow, check that truth. Righteousness often closes the box of understanding and instead stands on a soapbox of defense that halts communication.

If you wouldn’t say it to someone face-to-face, check that truth. This is where truth gets disguised as gossip, social media chatter, shade, and rumors.

If it is a global truth, meaning the source is “he, they, she, check that truth. “Going global” is a popular and powerful way of deceiving facts with ambiguity

In both our inner and outer lives what we believe about ourselves, our lives, and our relationships become our reality. With every personal truth, we utter a spell of manifestation and incantation of co-creation. So, it is vital we take a moment and ascertain the nature of the truths with which we are consciously and unconsciously aligning.

The genius of Aquarius embodies the challenging of established truths (yours, mine and ours) to source a new vision.
One that is rooted in authentic change, innovation, and the knowing that takes us out of the box of conformity and into the realm of possibility. So speak, sing, whisper, chant your authentic truth so you can fully articulate a new vision.

The world needs more of you.


1 thought on “New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius 2/15–Speaking your Truth”

  1. Pingback: Virgo Full Moon 3/1-2…Be an Instrument of Love | Aleka Thorvalson

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