New Moon in Sagittarius 12/17-18-With Knowledge Comes Responsibility.

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The revelation of truth seems to be the theme of late. Starting with the Full Moon in Gemini, we end the year being asked to delve even deeper. Truths bombs are detonating, erupting our sense of familiarity, and offering opportunities to usher in new areas of awareness. This energy continues with this New Moon in Sagittarius (especially as it dances with the final remnants of Saturn in Sagittarius, the galactic center, and the current Mercury Retrograde cycle also in Sagittarius).

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer whose arrow points directly at what we most need to see. Which isn’t always what we want to see.

Soul truth tends to clash with ego comfort.

Deep in my own truth bomb cycle that looks like moving four days before Christmas, I understand the sentiment. Moving itself is a technical thing- a solvable problem. It has a start and an end. It is the layers that arise around it that are less tangible, the sorting, the past resurfacing, the memories – the attachment, that offer learning on a more profound level. Not at all, what I was expecting.

Such is the nature of truth. By definition, the evolution of it challenges what we think we know.

Mercury retrogrades are a time to disorganize a specific area of our life so we can consciously reorganize it in a more evolved, optimum or enlightened way. It is as if Hermes himself is meeting us for coffee, revealing unconscious habits, thoughts and beliefs about ourselves, our relationships and our world.

He expertly holds up a mirror as we utter, “this is not who I am” and he replies, “this is who you are meant to be.”

Yet, we don’t know what we don’t know. Our personal truth can feel so solid and firm it becomes fundamental aligning with platitudes of security. However, there is no growth possible in a closed system. Light can only enter through the cracks in our foundation. The truths bombs of late are fracturing the current bedrock illuminating new layers.

Karmic and soul truths enter our lives at inconvenient times according to our ego. They come in the form of conflict that triggers the hell out of us, patterns that loop on repeat and smacks of reality so sharp they awaken us from our dormancy. This is often what is exactly needed to rouse us from our own spin. Blame, projection, attack, and condemnation are human ways of navigating the unexamined within us. There is indeed space for our humanness. Yet, if we align with our bruises, we anchor in our own bravado, and we find ourselves safe but secluded.

Protected but uninvolved.

Intact but ignorant.

How do you know which truths require re-examining in your life?

They are the ones showing up making you really uncomfortable. The ones you’d rather avoid, ignore, deny, spin, perfect or control your way out of. The alignment with Saturn suggests we need to look back at the last two years (the length of time it has traveled through Sagittarius) and find the common themes on repeat. Those are the truths illuminating through the cracks and crevices of your preconceived certainty.

That relationship, that job, that belief system, that risk, that esteem, or worthiness…

Energy doesn’t lie.

If it can emotionally trigger you, there is unconscious work to be done.

And it always has to start with you.

As challenging, as complicated, as painful, and as much as you KNOW it is the other person, not you (believe me I hear you), if there is energy in you activated there is an unconscious personal truth trying to emerge.

This is a time not to avoid the discomfort (after all, it will just emerge louder the next go around), but to dive deeper into it.


~Get Curious- Detach from the story of what is, what you want, need, etc. and step into the flow. There is a wise truth that states curiosity and fear cannot coexist. When we step into curiosity, we detach from habitual storytelling and spin and crack the door to change. This is a practice of presence and mindfulness as we allow  “I don’t know” to be our mantra.

~Follow the energy- Walk toward emotional triggers and not away. Remember, if it generates energy within you there is very likely unconscious wisdom offering an opening to expanding your personal truth. Always. Every time. (For more on that check out Projection and Integration).

~Understand this is happening for you not to you. What are frustrations, fear, resistance and endings to the ego are often revelations, freedom, healing, and expansion to the soul.

Things are being uncovered, not falling apart. That truth began our year and it will end it. It has sustained me through some intense moments of profound uncovering personally, professionally and globally. Of course, with the uncovering, with the discovery of some yet examined tendril of shadow, there also arises the obvious choice points. 

What will you DO with the new truth?

That is the real question.

That is where we are today and where we will be into the next year (Saturn moves into Capricorn December 20th where it will be for the next few years). 

With knowledge comes the responsibility to live it.

The intent of uncovering is to recognize what has been holding up the flow of potential.  It is to offer an opportunity to come face to face with our whole selves and be provided choice points to expand our personal truth with universal and karmic ones.

As I put my own life in literal boxes, I am reminded of what we unconsciously carry all the time. What is literally beneath the sink or tucked away in the very back corner of our closets. I am reminded of how much “stuff” we hold onto forgetting it is even there. There is immense freedom in both the examination and release of what is old, outdated or unused in both our inner and outer worlds.

Real freedom only arrives when we let go of what is holding us back.

So, as we wind down the year and set our intentions for the next one, let us all choose to release once and for all what is no longer needed, serving, or in alignment with who we are now. Let us choose growth, choose change, and have the courage to dare ourselves to act on the the truths that have been revealed.

 ***As always, where and how this energy is showing up in your unique birthchart adds layers of dimension and meaning to exactly what this current cycle means for you. For more on that, or if you have feedback, insight or just want to share, feel free to contact me.

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