Lunar Eclipse In Cancer 1/10 — The Prima Donna Degree

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New Years are always the time we set goals and intentions for the year to come.

It can be a time of excitement, inspiration, and maybe even some trepidation.

Change always requires we get a little uncomfortable after all.

This year is a pivotal one. The air is ripe with potential. New paradigms mapped out by significant planetary cycles as old models are simply no longer working. This year promises MOVEMENT.

This can be great news if you are ready to leap (less so if you are being dragged).

Lunar eclipses are supercharged full Moons etched with emphasis and possibility. Culmination. Capability. Capacity.

This Cancerian Lunar eclipse is just that. There is nothing new about this energy. We have been dancing with the feminine recalibration of Cancer all of 2019.

The call for empathy to correct selfish logic.
The need for compassion to rebalance laws and structures.
The requirement for altruism to overshadow greed.

The definition of true leadership.

This last year women all over the world, young and old, have stood up to the established patriarchy and injustice in astounding ways. Of course, this isn’t necessarily a gender thing; the feminine genius lives in all of us. Unfortunately, in our established collective conditioning, it is this force that is shamed, judged, projected, or punished away.

That is changing.
We see that shift happening in our outer world, but it is also happening in our inner worlds. No longer can we afford to live a life devoid of feeling. Feelings, after all, are our guideposts for all things wondrous in our world. Love, purpose, passion, cooperation, unity- those are not found in the logical mind. We need our emotional intelligence on high alert for that.

Interestingly, the Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is affectionately known as “the Prima Donna degree”- A Famous Singer Is Proving Her Virtuosity During An Operatic Performance.

Subsequently interesting, Prima Donna is an Opera term that literally means “First women” in Italian. Yet, directly after that definition comes others like “diva” or “person who thinks they are the star of the show”, someone who feels “entitled” or “dominates the conversation”.

Is it any wonder we forgot how to shine? We are all meant to be Prima Donna’s somewhere. We are all meant to be the star of this show called life, singing our authentic hearts to the world.

Yet, this force is often corrupted early on, and as often happens, our shadows show up in the world as fate. We begin to borrow, demand, or force our light in more masked ways.

Another selfie or perfect insta status anyone?

The dark side of the Prima Donna is sourced in insecurity, after all. A reflected sense of self. This is where we do see the domineering, selfish, diva-like, pushy, cold, oppressive, center of attention shadow emerge. Diva’s are devoid of both the guiding power of empathy and true nature of leadership.

No doubt we are seeing some of that in the collective ether.

It is also could be where we hide our sparkle so as not to appear too bright.

We refuse to step on the stage at all.
Or we demand the spotlight every day.
Both shadow sides of the same coin.

This Full Moon could certainly highlight what needs to be corrected.

In truth, when we see someone simply shining, owning her craft, performing for the sheer love of it, linking heart to voice, it is a sight to behold. This is meant to inspire all of us to find it within ourselves.

We do not need to shame in another what we have lost within ourselves.

We cannot demand respect.
Yet that is what often happens.

So, expect some feelings to surface. Summon them even. Let them lead you outside the straight edges of rationality to the yet undefined. Let them guide you through any darkness to find the light. Feelings are meant to guide us to the most inspired and correct path. 

This too is part of the current correction.

Feelings our attention. That is their purpose. Those of you already sensitive to the emotional tides of our existence take heed, the air will be full of emotional pollen. Take extra time to decompress, protect, reach out, and refill in the ways you uniquely do. It is not your responsibility to carry the weight of the entire world. There are those out there that have deftly learned to ignore, numb, and deny this vital part of their compass. For them, it takes a tremendous amount of uncomfortable to get them to feel anything. The result, of course, is we all live the turbulence.

Which is where we find ourselves.

Along those lines, I want to share some writing for those sailing the rough seas of late. 

“It’s tough to be a feeling person in an insensitive world.

Tough because we often compensate for what others have not yet learned to feel.

In a relationship, this might be one person picking up the emotional slack for both. On a more global scale, it can be the weight of the world. Feelings are floating bits of emotion after all. They need to land somewhere.

It is the sensitives that become the lightning rods, grasping at bits of unclaimed stardust. This is both your challenge and your superpower and both conscious and automatic.

A challenge because you often carry what isn’t yours, arms creaky, joints stiff, and heart hurting.

Superpower because you have a clearer channel to wisdom found nowhere else. You carry the antidote to the imbalance of masculine and feminine that is in deep recalibration of late. Fear, grief, hopelessness, despair are level six rapids.

Yet, as you remember, you have guided this river before. It is in you, an ancient intelligence ever present, unflinching, unyielding, even when your arms shake, eyes blinded by whitewater, the path obscured. This is the birthplace of grace. This is what you are meant to hold, an ember of light even in the darkest of nights. I know you want to turn away. I know you are bone weary and soul tired. I know the path ahead seems impossibly daunting in its uncertainty. Keep coming back to the practice of trust and faith, steadfastly holding the door for the change that is emerging. As messy as it appears. You are here now because you are needed. Now more than ever.”


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