In general, a full moon is about celebration and recognizing the culmination of the energy and intention set at the new moon. It is a time to practice gratitude and consciously expand our field of abundance, which is important to remember. We need to do as much work on our joy as we do our pain, so we consciously expand our threshold and capacity for change. Otherwise, it is so easy to fall back into self-sabotage and familiar habits. (For more on that, listen to the podcast Expanding Your Limits of Joy and Abundance.)
Yet, this is a full moon eclipse, and that changes the energy, adding another dimension to an already powerful full moon. Astronomically, during a lunar eclipse, the sun and moon are in direct opposition and the moon passes through the shadow of earth. In other words, earth is settled right between the sun and the moon, temporarily blocking the sun’s light from the moon.
During a Lunar eclipse, Earth is perfectly balanced between polarities, (the sun and moon) giving us a hint to the energetic weather and astrological meaning. It is a time to assess how the themes, revealed by the signs in play, are balanced in our lives. Lunar eclipses often bring revelations, truths, and epiphanies, as it merges our emotions (Moon) and our reason (Sun). It is a reminder to seek wholeness activating wisdom, acceptance and compassion for all parts of the self.
It is important to note eclipses always happen in cycles coinciding with new moons and full moons. For example, the solar eclipse in Pisces on March 8th was the second in that cycle of six between Virgo and Pisces. This lunar eclipse is the last of six eclipses between the signs Aries and Libra, which started October 18, 2013*. This particular Aries-Libra cycle will not occur again for about seven to eight years. Thus, this eclipse represents an end to an energetic cycle, and it symbolizes a powerful beginning.
So where is the area of focus for this eclipse? In one word: relationships. It highlights the balance of you and me and what it means to interact, relate and connect. The true meaning of intimacy, “into me I see”, tells us relationships teach us more about ourselves than any other experience we could have. Projection, blame, co and counter-dependency all point us to unhealed parts of ourselves. Where and how we edit ourselves and hustle for connection can show us exactly the love we need to offer ourselves. At the same time, there is a duality we must bridge, because while no one can be our lifeline we need connection to flourish. Sometimes assertion is key; yet at times, we need to just listen. At times, we need to pick a side; yet we also need to compromise. Good relationships are about balance. They are about a constant dance of equilibrium and disequilibrium, of navigating the imbalance to create balance, and it is precisely through this ebb and flow we can grow.
Questions to ask yourself:
• Where in your relationships are you in and out of balance, and what is required to find equilibrium?
• Where do you need to be assertive with your ideas, and where do you need to truly listen?
• Where do you need solitude, and where do you need to request and trust connection?
• Where do you need more boundaries, and where do you need to let down the wall?
• Where do you need to own accountability, letting go of blame, projection and excuses?
• How might your issues with others (conflict) be beacons of light to your own shadow?
• Where do you give at the expense of yourself and edit yourself for connection?
• Where and why are you afraid to trust? What is needed to release those blocks?
Full moon affirmations:
I trust I am enough.
I am loved and deserve love.
I have a right to change my mind.
With any judgment, I own my shadow projection.
I can assert myself with confidence.
Setting boundaries is part of loving myself.
I have the courage and wisdom to be vulnerable.
I choose freedom by forgiving myself and those who hurt me.
I am free to assert my authentic self.
Every moment is an opportunity to reclaim and renew myself.
***Eclipse Data
Here are the dates and degrees of the Aries/Libra eclipse cycle:
• October 18, 2013 – Lunar Eclipse [25 Aries 45]
• April 15, 2014 – Lunar Eclipse [25 Libra 16]
• October 8, 2014 – Lunar Eclipse [15 Aries 05]
• April 4, 2015 – Lunar Eclipse [14 Libra 24]
• September 28, 2015 – Lunar Eclipse [4 Aries 40]
• March 23, 2016 – Lunar Eclipse [3 Libra 17]