Libra New Moon September 30-October 1 The Wisdom of Relationships

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New moons represent a time to assess and set intentions for new beginnings. It is a time to go inward, to pause and to be mindful of our current choices. This new moon is in Libra; the sign of relationships. As such, it is a perfect time to reflect on the relationships in our lives and decide if they are balanced, peaceful, and bringing out the very best in us…

or they are not.

So often, we adopt dysfunctional relationship patterns like co- and counter-dependency, as we navigate the challenging and difficult world of human connection. Relationships have the ability to tear us open, enliven us, recharge us, inspire us, crush us and confuse the hell out of us.

But most of all they TEACH us.

Hands down relationships, past and present, have taught me lessons I would have never received otherwise. Break down the word “intimacy” and you have “into me I see”. Relationships are mirrors to our deepest gifts and most hidden shadow. If you really want to grow, evolve, shift, get real and heal, then get into a relationship and commit to doing the honest work.

Many of you know me because you have done this brave work with me as my clients. Many of you know it is a passion and gift of mine to look at a whole system and see the interwoven parts and blocks to undo. Many of you know my style is a mix of compassionate get real accountability. Here is a list of resources, all free and available to you, as we celebrate the new moon and the wisdom of relationships.

Top Ten Relationship Myths

 Your Inner Lizard

The Gift of Conflict

The Holistic Health Hour Podcast 4-Part Relationship Series This series tackles the most common questions I receive and most dysfunctional coping strategies regarding relationships. It is 4 hours of info on everything from co and counter-dependency to how to navigate a breakup.  It is full of important information and tools to creating real interdependency.

You tube interview regarding the role of relationships in business.

Want to know more about relationship coaching? Check out my website.

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