It’s definitely Piscean out there of late. We are a week deep into the Pisces/Aquarius Mercury Retrograde, and now we welcome a Pisces New Moon.
Translated, that means we are swimming in the uncertainty. We have likely been offered experiences to surrender, allow, and release. The last sign of the zodiac Pisces highlights what must end before something new can be birthed.
Pisces is symbolized by two fishes, one swimming to heaven, the other swimming to earth – connecting the mystical with the earthly bound. It reminds us of the importance of flow rather than hustle, that sometimes we simply need to float with the current to let go and let god, and to revel in the mystery itself.
This seems fine, relaxing even, who doesn’t like a good float? That comfort changes though when the water becomes turbulent, the current unclear. That is a different story entirely.
The week Mercury Retro Shadow phase began on the day of the Leo Full Moon, my website crashed. Turbulent waters were summoned. Any problem with a solvable solution is minor in my world, and this was undoubtedly solvable. Yet, on the annoyance, “I truly do not have time for this” scale, it was high.
Which is always the way of it, no? We argue with what is, believing it should be different. We label it “wrong.” The comedy of errors ensued, and I must admit there was some determined pushing to resolve the problem as fast as possible.
Mercury was having none of it, of course. Brick walls of reality beat out wishful determination and control every time.
We have time for what is arising simply because it is happening. The learning itself was going along for the ride.
Pisces learning is found in the stillness, in the curiosity, in the ability to rise above the fray, and ask how might this be happening for me. The power is in the pause itself. The magic in the uncertainty we try so hard to evade and control. The silence speaks if we merely let it.
It is also in the laughter. The “you have got to be kidding” and the “you cannot make this up” moments. We harness tremendous grace when we laugh at the grand cosmic joke, not taking any of this world stuff too seriously.
It is also found in deep waters of grief. The kind we can only trace the edges of, ever so slowly piecing our shattering back into some semblance of form. Mystical times often require initiation into a new being, life moments where everything has changed, and each new breath must be rediscovered.
We can make space for all of it.
So as we begin this new cycle, let us summon the beginnings meant to be and have reverence for any endings that must clear the way. Let us pay attention to the graces given to us, the synchronicities, signs, epiphanies that dapple the mystical path.
Because new wisdom wants to emerge. Something more authentic wants to rise. Some block to freedom needs release.
So, let us let it all flow. As I put together my new website, quite literally looking at who I was and have evolved into over the years, I understand just why I have been asked to do this task at this precise moment. It is an opportunity asking me to answer the authenticity of who am I now by honoring the process of who I have been. Perhaps, life has offered you a similar opportunity of discovery of late.
For when we let go of the way things “should” be we open the door to the magic of the transformation itself.