Full Moon in Sagittarius June 20- Making Meaning

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It is a rare event indeed when two consecutive full moons are in the same sign. This rare event occurs every one or two years, and it is happening now. Last full moon was in the sign of Sagittarius sag moon and this full moon finds itself there again. Like a cosmic explanation point, we astrologers look at patterns as an emphasis of importance and a focal point of relevance.
New Moons and Full Moons work together as a cycle of growth and discovery. The Gemini New Moon June 5th revealed the vital importance of an open mind and the gift of curiosity. (Read more about that here.) Yet, what do we do after we explore and gather all that information? We must sort through it to ascertain a sense of meaning. Like the Sagittarian archer that takes aim, we must consolidate our pieces of data to form ideas, concepts and beliefs. To do this well we must have a balance between our head (Gemini) and our heart (Sagittarius). We must balance logic with intuition and infuse meaning with authenticity, or it is just a reflection of another person’s truth. We constantly take in information and we create meaning. Like a psychic teeter-totter, we are meant to work this balance between intake and consolidation and between collection and congregation. If either side is too emphasized or heavy, we can fall into a closed system rooted in dogma and bias or all words with no actual form.
This full moon echoes the meaning from the last Full Moon. (Read more about that here.) Life is asking you to pay close attention to what you are learning and what that means for you.

  • Are your words and your actions in alignment?
  • Do you profess to love and yet fall into judgment?
  • Do you hear yourself offering advice to others that you need to take?
  • Do you live your truth by risking authenticity?
  • Are you disillusioned, disenchanted and disappointed in some or many areas of your life?

It had been a tough last few months. (Read about that here). Events in the world have forced us to look deeply at ourselves and face some hard truths. Though difficult, our shadow offers wisdom and grace. What have we learned? What do you believe?

Because you have likely been tested. Use that test to create your new truth.

As always we have choices. truth 4

We can allow our hearts to close with fear, hiding inside disillusionment, or we can allow our hearts to break wide open, look deeply within, and feel the depth of our emotions. Our emotions are the wisdom keepers of our inner world, our soul selves, and our divine connection. With curiosity we can allow our emotions to bring us back to life, finding new meaning and like an archer’s arrow direct our intention with clear and focused action.
It is time to find new meaning from all we have learned and it is time to live that truth. 

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