There is a wise saying in recovery circles that goes, “if you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always got”.
To change something means we must change something.
We must put new information into the system to elicit new results. We must shift a mindset, a habit, an inner spell or story. Sometimes in life, we seek this change by choice, searching out the old ways and dismantling them. Sometimes we are plunged into the gap without our permission as the universe makes the decision for us.
Pluto times represent this type of thrust-in-the gap change.
And now is one of those times.
July 8th the full Moon is alive and well in Capricorn, representing our current personal and collective structures, ethics, ideals, work and parameters we identify as safe. With Pluto joining the Full Moon and Mars joining the Sun though, these Capricorn themes require intense evaluation and likely deep transformation.
New Moons and Full Moons work together, by setting the stage and then allowing the lessons. The last New Moon in Cancer (June 23/24th) stirred up all the mud, and this Full Moon asks us to put on our boots and deal with it.
Cancer represents our deepest feelings and truths. Feelings are the messengers of our interior revealing vital information about our inner world, our psyche, our past, and future. It is likely you feel extra open, sensitive, vulnerable, and raw. It is also likely situations have arisen in your life that have opened the door to these deeper layers. Pluto was playing with that Cancer New Moon too, so there is a shadow element to this feeling revelation.
- The door to your deepest fear has been pried open
- The mud of your shadow self has been stirred.
- The buried archetypes like the wounded child, hustler, controller, perfectionist, martyr, victim, scapegoat, denier, and escapist are all currently attending the party that is your life.
The intent, of course, is revelation, leading to integration and ultimately transformation.
The intent is to reveal what parts of you are out of alignment, what parts of you are unconsciously running the show, creating the same limiting experiences and patterns.
The intent is to reveal the deep beliefs etched in fear and challenge them in the light of truth.
The intent is to call forth all the parts that have been created as coping strategies, protection, all the buried pain, trauma and courageously love them back into wholeness once and for all.
After all, change requires a new way of thinking, believing and being.
I am walking through it with you. On the eve of the New Moon, I too was thrust right into the gap of change without my conscious permission. One moment I was grounded and capable and the next I was on shifting sand shapeshifting into another time completely. Shadow, old stories, spells, and beliefs emerged, but what I noticed first was the feelings. I witnessed my body begin to shake, my stomach begin to tighten, and my mind begin to panic. I watched my mind running through habitual choices of running, fighting, acquiescing, and wanting to deny what was happening all in an attempt to find some sense of control. You see, for me controlling, perfecting and managing were coping strategies learned long ago in more chaotic times. Yet, here I was in a situation where those old strategies, though habitual, were also ineffective. And that experience was just the beginning of a few more experiences echoing the same theme. I have seen this activated in the lives of the people around me- my family, friends and clients.
What are choice points to the soul seem like end points to the ego.
It is important to remind ourselves of that truth.
Often experiences in the present world are reflective of deeper lessons, scratching the surface of a scarred over injury we have spent much of our life attempting to protect ourselves from ever experiencing again.
We experience a shade, nuance, or a bit of the old story and we are flooded with all the feelings of a past time.
“Oh no, not this again”.
But what if that was absolutely right?
What if the feelings were the key to reclaiming lost parts of ourselves?
What if you are ready for exactly that kind of change and evolution?
Our feelings show us exactly where the wound is. Our feelings connect us to our story. The very first step to soul retrieval is to feel the feelings, so you know exactly what to heal. And we must feel them not in a way that we lose ourselves, where we are fused and swept away in the current of them, but where we can stand firmly on land allowing the river to flow around us. When we defuse and detach we create the space for change. When we become the witness, we allow for authentic response instead of habitual reaction.
What are your feelings telling you?
How is this happening for you, not to you?
Perhaps this situation and these feelings are arising to show you just what requires compassion, love, and acceptance.
Perhaps this situation and these feelings are arising to give you the option of challenging the inner critic that wants to keep you safe by keeping you stuck.
Perhaps this situation and these feelings are arising for you to stand up, claim a sense of truth and set boundaries around where you habitually give your power away.
Use this time as a way in, to find your way out.
Because what you will find is an unexpected truth true of all soul work.
The universe does have your back.
Grace will show up in amazing and unexpected ways. Through people you meet, intuitions you follow, and books that magically land in your lap. It will show up as synchronicities, joy and clarity.What seems as an ending will reveal itself as a beginning.
As you release the old, the new comes flooding in.
As you reclaim all the lost parts of yourself, you become whole.
As you let go of what you thought you were, you find who you really are.