We have been cast adrift in a sea of uncertainty. There is no escaping the sheer intensity of current life events that have thrust us sharply, and without permission, deep into our inner world. We may find ourselves on a roller coaster of emotion, overwhelmed, exhausted, and thoroughly wrung out and then likewise experiencing profound grace and gratitude. It has been a heart opening, perplexing and disillusioning time where the very ground we stand on feels shifty. Thankfully, this Full Moon in Capricorn offers us some solid earth.
Our hearts have been broken wide open and we have felt deeply.
Now, what?
Capricorn asks, “What has it all taught you, and what are you going to DO about it?”
Because now it is time to get real. It is time to bring balance to the ambiguity; it is time to bring form to disarray and structure to shapelessness. Capricorn is the taskmaster, reality checker, and disciplinarian of the zodiac. High Capricorn represents our inner parent to our inner child, our commander to our inner wanderer, and the logical left-brain to our feeling right. Our feelings, if used correctly, can offer brilliant wisdom as to what action we are meant to take. (For more on that listen to the Holistic Health Hour Podcast).
It is time to take our inner work to our outer world. It is time to BE and DO real. It is time to act from our newly discovered truth.
Because Capricorn represents time itself.
Time is the epitome of uncertainty because it is everything and it is nothing sharing the same space. It promises potential with no assurance of how much we actually have. We do, however, have the power to choose how we live the time we have. We don’t have the time to live in-authentically, or live another person’s truth, or without true connection to our highest calling.
We. Just. Don’t.
What would you do if you knew you had limited time?
What would you do then?
Who would you become?
This full moon asks you to take the first practical step to doing that thing and becoming that person. The first step to making that life a reality right now. Then you take the next and the next.
Capricorn doesn’t promise this path is easy. Just that it is worth it. Success requires work. It will require discipline, focus, and precision. Yet when our work is from the heart, it becomes sacred. It is channeled from our inner force of creation, inspiration and incentive igniting passion and purpose.
It then becomes not work at all but life itself.