Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse 10/14/23-Lessons in Connection

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*Please note this blog was written before the absolute devastation began in and around Israel. It felt insensitive to post it without acknowledging the pain, suffering, and tragedy facing so many right now. My heart is attempting to hold space for all the darkness while also trying to make sense of the utter depravity. So, please read on with that in mind. Shadows are coming to light, and change only occurs when we commit to doing things differently.  

Eclipses are opportunities for resets to our system. Think of them like an on-off switch that fixes a glitch. Sometimes, this restart is chosen, sometimes it is forced. Either way, it is important. Eclipses are extra potent because they dance with the North and South Nodes of the Moon, the fate makers and destiny shapers of the zodiac. Thus, when eclipses occur, there is an outside influence of fate-based or destined opportunity. In other words, life events happen that are likely out of our hands. Consequences to past actions occur. Our job is to explore the course correction with curiosity and openness. Any solutions we have tried previously got us here- and here isn’t working. Thus, new solutions require a new way of looking at the same problem.

What is this situation asking or revealing in me/us?

This is a South Node eclipse. Thus, it is stirring some shadowy Libra tendencies within us. To get a sense of those specific tendencies, take a look at where this reset is occurring in your personal chart (or contact me for a quick reading). In general terms, Libra represents connection. In a word, relationships.

In truth, life is about relationships—our relationships with others, ourselves, our hobbies, our work, our community, and our world. Libra is represented by the scales of justice, that force that lets us weigh sides and information to discern fact from fiction, right from wrong. Done well, this force is diplomacy, fairness, honesty, good communication skills, accountability, and truth. Good relationships support us and ask us to grow, and healthy communication enables that. Done less well, though we see all the shadow layers of relationships where healthy communication is replaced by high conflict, manipulation, gaslighting, deceit, blame, projection, and passive and overtly aggressive tendencies. We stop understanding and start pontificating. Our wounded esteem exudes co and counter-dependency. Justice stops being fair. It starts to compete, “winning” at any cost. All sorts of injustices, even violence, can occur when we lose our connection to humanity.

Pluto squaring this eclipse certainly points out where we may not have it right. The intent, of course, is not to punish but to inform. To reveal where we could do this force better and then to DO it better.

What are your relationships revealing for you? That is the question we are living. 

And don’t just look at your in-person ones. Assess your relationship in your social media relationships, too. In our world of network connections, those are becoming increasingly important. Assess who you listen to, follow, and resonate with. Assess who you don’t. Assess if they or you are exuding those essential Libra skills of dialog, weighing actual factual evidence, understanding, listening, and healthy communication by embracing the complexity and inevitable evolution of truth. Watch out for “othering,” blame, or polarization of ideals or groups. Assess the concept of algorithms, information silos, and disinformation, both bots or human generated. Check sponsors, follow the money, and pause before you post. In the words of Amanda Ripley, author of High Conflict: Why We Get Trapped and How We Get Out, “One of the greatest dangers of social media is that it speeds conflict up. It holds us captive in the reactive mode of thinking, by design, robbing us of time and space. In that sense, it’s like an automatic weapon. If you never have to stop to reload, there’s no way your loved ones can tackle you and bring you to your senses.” 

Eclipses, especially South Node ones, offer the opportunity to radically review our lives. To slow down long enough to own some stuff. This could mean some relationships need to fall away, and some need to start. Perhaps, there is some accountability or amends required or a path to commit to better communication strategies, inner and outer. Libra, leading the charge, suggests resolution, not instant rebellion. It desires cooperation, connection, calmness, and community. It desires peace, not conflict, connection rather than polarity. Because it is not our mistakes that define us; it is how we strive and commit to amending them.

Because if we really want to learn, get into a relationship. Relationships serve as valuable mirrors through which we can gain insights into our own thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and ideals. They provide opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and the development of essential life skills like authenticity and boundaries. Relationships allow us to define and redefine our values, offering many opportunities to practice integrity and grace. They teach us compassion, empathy, emotional intelligence, humility, and real communication skills. Relationships allow us to forgive one another and ourselves, creating healing and evolution. They ask us to harness an open mind and find truth through careful and complex discussion.

So, at this eclipse, let us set the intention to look deeply at all of our relationships, in-person, online, inner, and outer. Let us commit to learning where we have it right and be radically accountable for what we haven’t. Let us take new action forward with an inspired and healthy vision, changing any patterns that no longer serve. Because as the year winds up and we start anew, those skills of diplomacy, cooperation, accountability, and embracing change are going to be vitally important.

“Maybe its like you said before, all of us being cracked open. Like each of us starts out as a watertight vessel. And then things happen – these people leave us, or don’t love us, or don’t get us, or we don’t get them, and we lose and fail and hurt one another. And the vessel starts to crack in places…But there is all this time between when the cracks start to open up and when we finally fall apart. And its only that time that we see one another, because we see out of ourselves through our cracks and into others through theirs. When did we see each other face to face? Not until you saw into my cracks and I saw into yours. Before that we were just looking at ideas of each other, like looking at your window shade, but never seeing inside. But once the vessel cracks, the light can get in. The light can get out.”
― John Green, Paper Towns

~This New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs at 21 ° Libra.

~If you could use some help figuring out what the current astrology means for you, or would like some coaching around the concepts mentioned, Contact Me. 

~Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

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