Libra New Moon 9/25/22- The balance of hope

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The tension between the old and the new is palpable. Can you feel it?

Excited trepidation? Hopeful realism? Or maybe just exhaustion? There’s that too. We have been in this cycle for a while, and change is undoubtedly both compelling and tiring.

As we move into the later part of September and the beginning of October, Saturn and Uranus meet for their last challenging (square for the astro folk) conversation. This cycle started in 2021, so some culmination is coming to pass. Both retrograde, that conversation may seem stubbornly static now, though. In fact, with seven planets, including Mercury retrograde, there may seem to be a lot of stagnation out there. Pauses. Things are not moving forward as we might want them to. The lesson is renewal and reassessment. The challenge is stopping long enough to do it. I highly suggest you take some time to look back over the last few years and take stock of where you are. What has this time meant to reveal in you? Where have you gotten it right? Where may you have gotten it wrong?

Because Libra works in the no spin zone. 

There is the potential for newness, but we must be accountable for that change. Libran scales of justice remind us that our choices have consequences. There is no punitivety in this. Only data. If you want a different experience, you must make different choices. Making the same choices will bring the same result. This is true historically and personally. The laws of cause and effect play into this schema. We are responsible for our actions. Thus, we best ensure those actions are taking us in empowered and authentic directions.

This kind of accountability necessitates healthy connection and communication. Themes Libra represents. Accountability keeps us humble, open, learning, and listening to understand, not be right. It helps us discern between reactionary and responsive inner parts and truth from untruth.

Without accountability, there is no hope. Because we cannot be open to what is, if we are stuck in our own certainty of what it should be. And this New Moon does offer some needed hope. With Jupiter opposing the Moon, we are reminded to flex this muscle.

The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is, “The dawn of a new day everything changed.” 

Validating the current potential, we are reminded that new is possible with every breath and moment. 

If only we are humbly open enough to see possibilities without our inner spin. 

So let us take some breaths together. Take a moment or three to look at the road we have traveled, ready for the one rising to meet us. Celebrate the joys. Have reverence for the grief. Offer space for the wonderful and the woeful. The shadow and the light. The triumphs and the missteps. Ponder and contemplate with honest appraisal. Because the balance of Libra reveals the constant paradox of change, of what was and what could be. The messy and the miraculous exist in the same place. That place is hope. 

“There are moments when I wish I could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have a feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well. So I take the memories as they come, accepting them all, letting them guide me whenever I can.” 

 ― Nicholas Sparks, Dear John

~This New Moon occurs @ 2° Libra.

~Want to know what this time is revealing for you? Contact me, for more information.

~Photo by Faris Mohammed on Unsplash

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