Gemini New Moon 5/22 — Soul Sight

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A mind is an amazing tool. And it can be our greatest enemy. It just depends on how it is wielded.

This is a time of information, data collection, and change. The North Node of the Moon just entered Gemini, where it will be for the next 18 months, echoing the need for clear and concise information. The New Moon also in Gemini, adds more juice to these themes. We are all LIVING it.
And yes, we can anticipate breakthroughs on all levels. Scientifically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually. With four planets (Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter , and Venus) retrograde, the pause is still very evident, regardless of how much we may want to move forward. The purpose of pause is to let new and needed information in. It is to upgrade an existing system. To allow the mind to seek new horizons, frontiers, and discoveries. It is an extraordinary thing.

This is also unnerving, though- the precipice of change. The unknown. The unpredictable. The mind, with its preference for certainty, isn’t always comfortable there. Then the tool can become our weapon turning the power of discovery into the prison of falsity. We begin to see the erosion of truth via convenience and denial. Projection. Blame. Conspiracies. Sensationalism.

Fear has a way of placing any insecurity squarely outside of the self. Of course, this is both ineffective and temporary. Truth has a way of emerging, regardless of the sting.

And truth will be a theme we will be wrestling with throughout the next year, especially in the next few months. This is difficult because truth is so often filtered through perception. And perception is entirely unreliable. Our view looks very different in a cavern versus a peak. What we are being asked to explore is the depth of the not knowing. The ability to stay flexible, adaptable, and patient to the process is key. To rely on facts (please, please, fact check), especially the ones we probably do not like very much.

Let me reiterate a key point (Eris and Pluto are still square). What you need to let go of, what facts that are arising-you will want to resist. This is where the power of our denial lives. Gemini is attempting to free you with clarity. It is your choice if you widen your perception to see it.

Because that upgraded sight is where all the change happens. A miracle is a shift in perception, after all. The process typically means you will have to both face and feel. Good. Both are meant to get your attention. The Sun and Moon square Mars in Pisces and trine Saturn in Aquarius bring in spiritual matters woven with any action. Feelings are our link to those inner divine spaces and guidance forward. So often, though, we are taught spiritual people have transcended the world touting the “illusion” of reality. Concepts like manifesting, affirming, or law of attraction are spiritual buzz words. Of course, there is some validity in these ideas, but they are not meant to bypass or control what is emerging. They are meant to take us deeper in not out. (For more on that, check out Getting Real About the Law of Attraction)  It is understandable we try to fix the facts to match our most desired version of reality, but that is not where the lessons are.

Soul eyes see the world very differently than the habit and convenience of egoic ones. This is the perception shift required.

What are choice point to the soul seem like end points to the ego. It is time to see through soul sight.

“Open your eyes and take a deep breath. Wisdom is in the air.”
Marty Rubin

Remember, out of all elements air is the most essential. We cannot survive beyond minutes without the breath. In the same way, air gives life to our bodies it animates our world, inner and outer. We always have a choice how we wield this powerful tool.

To uplift or degrade.
To assert or attack.
To listen to understand or to be right.
To control or to learn.

To see through the sight of another.

Perhaps, this experience is an illusion, but if you are part of it, you are meant to be IN it. We are not here to transcend the world but help transform it. We are not here to ignore or bypass but to see more clearly. Spiritual principles are not meant to insulate us from what is but to give us avenues and ways to find more wholeness. They are meant to give us a platform to BE an extension of love, compassion, empathy, service, and grace when anything less than that exists. In many ways, it is easier to simply call it all an illusion and vacate any accountability. But that is not where the learning is and not why any of us is here. We are meant to be the verbs to the principles themselves.

This New Moon asks us to show up. To have the courage to face facts we do not like. To adapt and change. To be patient. To revel in the uncertainty without attachment. To be wrong. To listen more than we speak. To see another side. To humbly ask not what the world can do for me but what I can do for the world. Gemini, in its finest hour, is about interconnection that gives strength in its diversity and not corrosive divisiveness. It sees the interdependence of each part vital for the whole.

It is time for a shift in perspective.

“I have been finding treasures in places I did not want to search. I have been hearing wisdom from tongues I did not want to listen. I have been finding beauty where I did not want to look. And I have learned so much from journeys I did not want to take. Forgive me, O Gracious One; for I have been closing my ears and eyes for too long. I have learned that miracles are only called miracles because they are often witnessed by only those who can can see through all of life’s illusions. I am ready to see what really exists on other side, what exists behind the blinds, and taste all the ugly fruit instead of all that looks right, plump and ripe.”
Suzy Kassem


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