Shadow Dancing—Full Moon In Scorpio 4/29-30

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The New Moon in Aries gave us the gift of action and this Full Moon we are asked to address any roadblocks to that forward motion. Sometimes the blocks are apparent, right on the surface, easy to see and understand. Other times, finding the sticky places are elusive, shrinking into the corners of our experience.

This Full Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, the ruler of the shadowy unconscious holding our darkest beliefs, unprocessed feelings, and repetitious thoughts.  Since the majority of our time we run on autopilot, these unseen forces become powerful forces of creation  and the soundtracks of our experience. Often our desire is cloaked in a shadow layer.

We might envision and desire abundance, but if there is a shadow belief based on lack, the misalignment creates a block.

We might envision and desire a new relationship, job, or opportunity, but if there is a fear of trust or receiving, the misalignment creates a block.

Jupiter joins the Moon opening the veil a bit further, making what is often unseen even more visible. This type of shadow walking may not always be comfortable as Scorpio tends to hit us right in the limitation. So, if you feel a bit on edge, sensitive, vulnerable, if you feel like there is a low hum of anxiety running through your system, you are right on track. The heightened perception of Scorpio sees in the darkness for any monsters left under the bed.

In truth, power and perception is both Scorpio’s liability and magic. Liability because the darkness is often uncomfortable and magic because that is where all change happens. For when we go deep into the buried closets of our foundational beliefs, we are gifted the power to change everything. We harness the alchemy of transformation itself.

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”

~Mary Oliver

Some truths about the shadow:

1)    It’s old. The shadow is often based on messages both subliminal and overt we received growing up. Whether the world was safe or traumatic, whether our voice was heard or silenced, whether our authenticity was embraced or shamed, all created the particular cadence and cacophony of our inner symphony.

2)    By definition, it is hidden.  We hide what we cannot own, understand, integrate, or portray.   It is like looking for the boat by tracing its wake; we often have to locate the shadow by the effects showing up in our lives. What we project onto others, patterns that repeat despite a desire for change, and fears that infiltrate our everyday world are all arrows pointing us inward.

3)   We need help.  One of the benefits of depth work is the ability for another to glance inward at what we cannot see. Psychology, shamanic work, deep coaching, astrology, vision quests, past life regressions, etc. (all ruled by Scorpio, by the way) are avenues inward. If you would like to dance with the shadow, find a partner along the path that is gifted in the steps.

4)    Lean in. Shadow is the shadow because it is linked with rejection, shame, punishment- all shades of fear.  When the shadow appears, there is an instinctive urge to fight, flee, freeze, or fawn. It is a reaction to get out of the situation the best way possible in the least amount of time. We systematically give our power away. Leaning in allows us to take it back. To heal the feelings must be felt, and that isn’t always fun. Yet, you are not the person you were and within that truth resides your power. You have more resources, ability, maturity, support, and choices. You have the choice, freedom, and courage to live it differently.

The location of the Full Moon in your chart (look for 9° Scorpio) offers the flavor of power claiming you have at your fingertips by revealing the blocks and subsequent truth you are meant to embody.

Make sure to look at both sides of the block or fear and how your behavior has shown up to help you avoid that feeling. For example, if your fear is rejection ask yourself how you avoid  feeling that feeling. You might shapeshift, people-please, or even habitually reject others. A fear of conformity can create a reaction of constant rebellion or lack of commitment. If you fear dogma, you might automatically dismiss all philosophy or spiritual truth.  If lack or scarcity is your fear, you might worry about the future, and never have enough money or resources.

House Block/Fear Reclaiming
1st Rejection “I am and I am enough”
2nd Lack “I am worthy of abundance”
3rd Speaking up “I have a right to speak my mind and follow my curiosity”
4th Abandonment “It is safe to receive, feel and risk connection “
5th Joy “ Play, lightness and joy are my birthright” (for more go here)
6th Uncertainty “There are three kinds of business mine, yours and gods. I only need to be responsible for mine” ~From Byron Katie
7th Injustice “I trust in the natural balance of life itself”
8th Powerlessness “My superpower is my wholeness- shadow and light”
9th Dogma “I have the freedom to seek and find my own truth”
10th Weakness “Vulnerability is real strength”
11th Conformity “I get to do this my way”
12th Being in the world “It is safe to be alive”

**For more info, feel free to contact me for a reading. It’s a great time to dive deeper into your chart.

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