Virgo themes in our lives are on full activation.
Solar Eclipses happen when the moon travels in front of the sun, obscuring all light. Though this event will not be visible from the United States (if you live in Africa and the Middle East you are in luck), it is still a powerful energetic occurrence. Solar eclipses mark powerful cycles of endings and beginnings. There is also quite a bit of astrological juice adding more emphasis and tension to this already powerful event with Saturn squaring and Neptune opposing the eclipse. Additionally, the Sun, Moon, North Node, Jupiter, and Mercury are all in the sign of Virgo and Mercury stationed retrograde in Virgo August 30 (more on that here).
What does it all mean?
Think of it as an energetic reboot of Virgo themes in your life.
If you feel discontent, discouraged, down, depressed, and generally out of sorts,
If you feel an overall heaviness, weighed down by the air itself,
If your body is offering you symptoms, you cannot logically explain,
If your life is revealing limiting patterns or habits especially around work and service,
If you are feeling bored, purposeless, exhausted, and overextend in giving,
Your Virgo shadow is arising and is asking for illumination.
Opposite the divine, mystical and unlimited potential of Pisces, Virgo is the earthly manifestation of spirit into matter. Virgo represents the conception of energy into form, and thus, reflects the animation that becomes our lives. What is showing up in our relationships, work, physical health, and whole lives are direct representations of the mind energy we consciously or unconsciously use to c0-manifest our world.
Therefore, this is a perfect time to determine what is showing up for you both expansive and limited, and decide if it is a reflection of your most authentic potential. If it isn’t, it is time to get honest, dig deep and excavate those limiting deep beliefs, feelings, thoughts and habits co-creating your reality and transform them. It is time to evaluate how you really direct your own divine power. Control, micro-managing, anxiety, and perfection are all signals we are sourcing our power through fear rather than faith. It is time to stop playing small, hiding in closets of mediocrity disguised as safety, and OWN your gifts. Every thought is a prayer of co-creation. So, this solar eclipse we are all called to do a life inventory with radical self-awareness and accountability (minus judgment or criticism). This is about getting real with ourselves and evaluate how our life is getting real with us.
- What are the limiting beliefs, habits, and feelings holding you back from your potential?
- Are you dreams in alignment with your reality?
- How is your physical body a manifestation of your beliefs?
- What practices do you need to commit to, to embrace these changes?
- Are you living in reaction, control or defense of fear or expanding into possibility with faith?
- Are you spiritually bypassing your reality?
- Is what you are serving, serving you?
This is a time to reboot how you really use your creative energy. Virgo reminds us it is not about dramatic changes and huge shifts that create lasting change, because real transformation happens in the details, in the minutia and in the multitude of micro-intentions, we set every second of every day. By changing the details, we have the power to change everything.